Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Drawing of rammie the ram;okay.

My drawing of a ram;I call rammie the ram - It's for my profile related to garfieldhs akron profile unofficial one you know.Drawing I made this year sometime ago and also made for mega fansite pages and private profile club membership on myspace - friends,best online friends and some family too.*smile happily =D*

Drawing of lady kitty croft;hello kitty.

It's hello kitty drawing I like to call "Lady Kitty Croft",It's hello kitty tomb raider style drawing with an rose tattoo right foot;btw.Made it not to long ago you know about 3 months ago I draw this for an myspacers friend who like hello kitty.Hello kitty is too cute hmmmm.=D

Friday, October 24, 2008

Drawing for my friend brandon.

Was bored and the time I drawing this made it for my friend brandon.He totall rock and a goofball,but love that about him.I meet him in 2002 at garfield high school,he was taking out my french class to get his teacher degree and the time.Didn't take that long to draw this you know.One of the coolest and greatest friends anyone could ever have as a friend friend.
Tell me what you think of my drawing here okay ??? =D

Thursday, October 23, 2008

B/W;Picture of me.

It's a black and white picture of me made with the programs PhotoImpression 4 and PhotoFiltre both art programs I have on the computer at home here.Picture was taken with my red digital cam I got for $20 dollar..Takes really good pictures in perfect lighting or daylight wise mostly.
Editing my pictures and etc,and playing video games are my two more favorite thing to do.My most favorite video I love to play is tomb raider series.*smile happily =D*